Friday, August 16, 2013

Mrs. Underwood

Hello Kindergarten Family!  
Thanks for visiting our Kindergarten Blog!  This blog will be a place for you to peek into our days. I hope to update regularly, so keep checking in to see what's going on in Kindergarten! 
In the meantime, I'll introduce you to my family, the Underwoods!

Isla is my oldest daughter and she is off to Kindergarten this year too! You can imagine our excitement!  We are both looking forward to it and I think we'll have fun comparing notes!

Sophie is 3 and loves preschool.  She enjoys getting dirty with paint and glue. This proves to be her favorite way of informing me of her day! 

My husband Ian is a builder, musician, and my best friend.  The kids get to know him during writers' workshop, as I often include him in my stories.  He also helps create and write the silly songs that I find myself singing with Kindergartners throughout the day!